
Welcome to my blog. I will post whatever I am working on, whether it be a creative writing piece, random blip that has made my day, or an opinion I would like to share with the world. I hope that you enjoy reading as much as I enjoy writing!

All ideas are my original work. I do not take credit for work that is not mine. I may borrow pieces such as comics, definitions, or quotations, but will never pass someone else’s work off as my own; I will either credit their source or make it clear that I am not their author. I merely use these as either bouncing boards from which my own ideas can take off, or wish to share something that I found worth repeating.

Remember, today is not simply something to get through, but something to treasure. So smile and enjoy it!!!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


     I never thought I would start a blog.  I suppose it is like everything else today: everyone has one originally, I think it is ridiculous and swear that I will never use one, and eventually I end up having one of my own that I am completely dedicated to.  Fifty years ago there was no such thing as the internet, personal laptops, the iPod, iPads, or cell phones.  People seemed to be genuinely happy with whatever they could afford, and the ONE television in their house was sure to be black and white.  Now, if the children are not getting the latest and greatest thing on the market, they are not content with anything.  Their home televisions are even in 3D.  As if the iPhone was not good enough, the day the new one comes out, they have to be standing in line at the store to go and replace the perfectly fine version they already own.  I think the companies wait for everyone to buy their product before they release their updated version.  There is always something better coming out; how much longer can we keep up with the market?  As amazing as the Wii is, now all of the systems have motion games that react to your body.  Whatever happened to Pong?!  Maybe it is the way that I was brought up; I appreciate what I own...I still WANT all of these things, but I understand that I cannot have EVERYTHING.
     So I suppose that is why I started this blog.  I could have it all by myself.
     So remember on Black Friday as you are pushing someone's grandmother over for that last video game...the next best thing is not going to come out until AFTER Christmas!  Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

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