
Welcome to my blog. I will post whatever I am working on, whether it be a creative writing piece, random blip that has made my day, or an opinion I would like to share with the world. I hope that you enjoy reading as much as I enjoy writing!

All ideas are my original work. I do not take credit for work that is not mine. I may borrow pieces such as comics, definitions, or quotations, but will never pass someone else’s work off as my own; I will either credit their source or make it clear that I am not their author. I merely use these as either bouncing boards from which my own ideas can take off, or wish to share something that I found worth repeating.

Remember, today is not simply something to get through, but something to treasure. So smile and enjoy it!!!

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Million Dollar Idea: Dry Shampoo Sunblock

Is this a thing yet?  It totally should be.

Not sure about anyone else, but when I am heading to the beach, pool, or waterpark, I throw my hair in a ponytail without washing it that morning (I'm someone who has to wash their hair EVERY day).  Since I want to prevent skin cancer and other not awesome skin damage from the sun, I use sunblock when I head out for a day of exposure (including my scalp). 

A dry shampoo that has a high SPF in it would be very handy.  Hair can look better, while protecting your scalp from the sun.

Just a thought.

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