
Welcome to my blog. I will post whatever I am working on, whether it be a creative writing piece, random blip that has made my day, or an opinion I would like to share with the world. I hope that you enjoy reading as much as I enjoy writing!

All ideas are my original work. I do not take credit for work that is not mine. I may borrow pieces such as comics, definitions, or quotations, but will never pass someone else’s work off as my own; I will either credit their source or make it clear that I am not their author. I merely use these as either bouncing boards from which my own ideas can take off, or wish to share something that I found worth repeating.

Remember, today is not simply something to get through, but something to treasure. So smile and enjoy it!!!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

London Photos (Set 1)

I promised I would post some of my photos, and here they are, (well, the first few)!!!  Some were taken through windows, so I apologize for the quality.  A few are either simply skylines of London, or famous, postcard-like photos (that I took just to prove I was there!).

This is not just ANY plane!  This is the bird that took me across the Atlantic for the very first time in my life.  When we boarded the plane at 2am, we were informed that the reason our flight had been delayed was that the plane (THIS ONE), had been stuck by lightning on the way over, and they had to "check it out."  Nothing like flying it across the pond to "check it out."  What if they found the problem when we were half-way there? At least we got there safe and sound, and did not miss the reason we were going.

When in London, you have to ride a Two Decker!

These are just trains.  I liked the view from the ninth floor of my hotel.

See that building WAY in the back?  That's the Tower of London.  (Back and center.)

This is one of those "just skyline" photos.

I trust you can tell that these are telephone booths, but I'll tell you anyway...I just did.

I have more photos, some of which are more creative than these.  They're coming soon!

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