
Welcome to my blog. I will post whatever I am working on, whether it be a creative writing piece, random blip that has made my day, or an opinion I would like to share with the world. I hope that you enjoy reading as much as I enjoy writing!

All ideas are my original work. I do not take credit for work that is not mine. I may borrow pieces such as comics, definitions, or quotations, but will never pass someone else’s work off as my own; I will either credit their source or make it clear that I am not their author. I merely use these as either bouncing boards from which my own ideas can take off, or wish to share something that I found worth repeating.

Remember, today is not simply something to get through, but something to treasure. So smile and enjoy it!!!

Saturday, June 1, 2013

What's In a Name?

We each have different names, depending on the situation.  Most of us have our full legal names (which is reserved for when we are in a lot of trouble), and a common nickname (what most people call us).  We may also have other nicknames reserved for certain situations, which only select people use.  Then there is the professional title, especially when dealing with generation differences.  You are Mr., Mrs., Ms., or Dr., Last Name.  Those titles are signs of respect.

But no matter the situation, we are the same person.  So what is the big deal with names?

Being on a first name basis with someone is a sign that you are equals.  Some people can make the switch from using the Mr./Mrs. title to first name so easily.  Others have more difficulty with it (mainly just me).

What type of person are you, and what does it say about you?

I know personally that I have a lot of trouble going from using the person's title, to just their first name.  I just became a teacher.  Students refer to their teacher my Last Name, while coworkers use first names.  I still think of myself as a student, and am most comfortable with Last Names.  When I first meet someone, it is not difficult to use a first name.  But someone whom I always called by Last Name, even if they give me explicit permission, it is difficult to use their first name, no matter how much I want to.  Not sure why that is.  Oh that's right!  I'm strange.

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