
Welcome to my blog. I will post whatever I am working on, whether it be a creative writing piece, random blip that has made my day, or an opinion I would like to share with the world. I hope that you enjoy reading as much as I enjoy writing!

All ideas are my original work. I do not take credit for work that is not mine. I may borrow pieces such as comics, definitions, or quotations, but will never pass someone else’s work off as my own; I will either credit their source or make it clear that I am not their author. I merely use these as either bouncing boards from which my own ideas can take off, or wish to share something that I found worth repeating.

Remember, today is not simply something to get through, but something to treasure. So smile and enjoy it!!!

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Thankfulness Journal

Sometimes, we focus too much on the negatives. Too much on the stupid hateful people in the world, instead of on all of the wonderful people. 

Think about the news. It's mostly bad. Planes crashing, people killing each other, houses burning down. What about the good things that happen? So many more planes land safely, than crash. More people help one another, than kill. More houses are renovated or bought, than burn. Sometimes, we like the bad news (as long as it is not happening to us), than we do the good news.

I challenge you, to focus on the positives. Get a journal, and try to take a minute before you go to bed, to jot down one good thing that happened during the day; one thing you are thankful for. Every day, there is at least one thing to be happy about: health, food, shelter, job, family, friends, etcetera. If you do this for a few days, you'll find it easier to find the good in the day, and step away from dwelling on the negatives. And when you do have a horrible day (even that day has something to be grateful for...maybe that it is over?), reading through the other day's entries might make you feel better. 

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