
Welcome to my blog. I will post whatever I am working on, whether it be a creative writing piece, random blip that has made my day, or an opinion I would like to share with the world. I hope that you enjoy reading as much as I enjoy writing!

All ideas are my original work. I do not take credit for work that is not mine. I may borrow pieces such as comics, definitions, or quotations, but will never pass someone else’s work off as my own; I will either credit their source or make it clear that I am not their author. I merely use these as either bouncing boards from which my own ideas can take off, or wish to share something that I found worth repeating.

Remember, today is not simply something to get through, but something to treasure. So smile and enjoy it!!!

Sunday, August 28, 2011

What Will You be Wearing?

     Something important happens around this time.  It is time once again for nutritious cafeteria lunches, sleepless nights studying, and the dreaded mile run.  That’s right!  The youth are heading back to school.  For many the truly important question is: what will they be wearing?  Everyone has had that dreaded dream of sleeping through their alarm and showing up in class without any pants, but for many teenagers, fashion is a back to school must.  Or is it?

      “I consider my fashion to be pretty important the first week of school; after that it’s [just] thrown on in the morning,” Amanda. Fashion is ever-changing.  What is “in” today can get a kid laughed at tomorrow.  But styles come back, although often too late to redeem those who were considered fashion pariahs.  Bell-bottom pants are making a comeback, and many teenagers are recycling their parent’s “retro” pairs from the 70s. 
     That is not the only way today’s kids are being resourceful.  For a generation which never seems to leave the house without the words “Hollister” or “Aéropostale” plastered somewhere on their body, they are practicing smart shopping techniques, and are not afraid to save a few dollars on their quest to finding trends.  Between Marshalls, The Salvation Army, and yes, even Wal-Mart, teenagers are going to be going back to school in style while having a few extra dollars in their wallets.  “I go where I can get the best buy for good clothes,” said Anthony.
     Typical teenagers are on a fixed budget when it comes to their wardrobe, or still shop with their parents.  Either way, they are going to be limited in the quantity of clothes they can buy, and must look for clothes that are interchangeable with several outfits. 
     The popular trend now is to layer.  Whether it is summer or freezing out, layering shirts, sweaters, and jackets is the style.  The necklines decrease in height, with the outer layer usually tucked in to emphasize those beneath.   Skinny jeans are also popular for both men and women, as they have been for decades.
     Accessorizing is kept simple.  Headbands, pony tails, or buns are dressed up with a simple hair clip such as a flower.  A new, more permanent hair style is to get a feather extension.  The extensions are rooster feathers that last up to six weeks, and can be attached by almost any hair dresser.  Jewelry is worn sparingly, and is something simple used to accent an outfit or meant to showcase something treasured, (such as a class ring or Chamilia bracelet).  
The feather extension. Real rooster feathers, last 4-6 weeks, and are reusable.

     Believe it or not, you can shop at the mall and still get a good deal.  H & M and Forever 21 are reasonably priced, and the clearance racks at J. C. Penny and Macy’s have the latest fashions for a bargain.  Wal-Mart may be looked down upon by many people today, but nothing can beat saving ninety dollars on the same pair of pants you would have bought at Abercrombie, (minus the label).
     Sometimes all of the fashion drama could make you wish that you did not have to worry about what to wear in the morning.  The more expensive trends get and the quicker they change, the more appealing schools with uniforms begin to look.  Between magnet schools, private schools, and even some public schools switching to uniforms, many of today’s students do not have to worry about fashion.  

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